What would they say about the scenes they see humankind experiencing, about what humans have done to this planet, to all life and to each other?
They are so silent, those rocks and trees while so many humans 'seem' to take one, maybe two or three days a year to reach out to others, to say "I love you, I am thinking of you" to give presents, cards, words of love and encouragement. Three days a year, more or less, given that there also personal birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions that most of us celebrate.
What do they observe through the rest of the days, weeks, months and thousands of years of our behavior?
Having read the history of even our most ancient of cultures that we have information about, it seems that manknd has attacked, raped and pillaged as well as plundered since they have been on this earth.
We learn about ancient civilizations that were advanced, artistic, created libraries, buildings, cultures and yet, either took over others and destroyed their groups, or were destroyed or assimilated. We wonder when this will stop, or if it will ever stop. We hope that times like Chrismas will be a small beacon of light into the world with the good wishes and love spreading with the power of love to influence a world of pain forward into a world of peace.
The question is, do we all stop at some point in our lives, at any point in our lives, each and everyone of us, no matter what job, what race, what gender, what religion or culture and ask ourselves 'what we really stand for'? It seems these days as we see parents killing their own children and themselves, or abusing them, we see countries armies illegally invading others on pretenses to manipulate the populace into backing them. We see wanton greed destroying our countries ability to support our own people. We see almost all countries being brought to their knees with debt so huge they can no longer fullfill financial obligations.
This holiday season is a time of celebration for many, but for more, many more, it is a time of loneliness, a time of desperation, a time for 'bah humbug' as they cannot believe in nor comprehend the commercialization of what was meant to be a time of reflection, a time of love and peace and many reasons going back to ancient times, before the time of Jesus.
Mankind has always had seasonal signs, special ceremonies, and special times to come together for one reason or another. There are aspects of ancient occasions that are imbedded and are now changed so that most don't even know their primary beginnings.
Being that as it may, today is today and we all need to step back, before the new year begins again, before more mayhem and madness continues this march through all our civilizations, destroying the good that can be done.
The creator has given us great gifts, an awesome and abundant planet for us to build our civilizations upon it, to be 'caretakers' as it were so that we can live in peace, in love and consideration of all life.
We have abused these gifts on all levels.
Our whole beautiful planet has been abused and poisoned and more is planned that will bring its demise. Our life forms have all been denied the pristine water/air/soil and produce that helps them to survive and to keep continuing their lines for future generations.
To put ourselves into the places of the trees, the rocks, indeed all of life ....we would have to ASK........as they might, if they could talk!
"Where's the Love"?
This reminds me of CS Lewis when he said that the cause of the majority of our problems is being disconnected from creation.