Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Dear US Energy Secretary Steven Chu,
Sooooo you want us to paint our roofs white? (if we were consistant with our spelling rules, it should be 'rooves' , like 'hooves', but then. we aren't, that is why the English language is so hard, it makes the rules and then it breaks them..........kinda like our government......right?)
I am just a novice, studied the weather in physical science, the beginning course, but I took to it like a duck to water, became so fascinated with the whole 'how' and 'why' that all kinds of weather is created that I still retain a little bit of knowledge....(and I mean a little bit).One thing that was very eye-opening to me was how 'cell systems' form over the water. Do you know what a cell system is?
Well, to make it easier for you to read and the readers if they are so inclined, I 'googled' it....amazing, right up front and explains it all. Here is the title and link ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION; WEATHER SYSTEMS
Okay, I will give you a little time to read this and try to absorb it. As you can see, there are many factors that make up 'how' certain weather patterns are created. One factor is 'rising' hot air.We are already experiencing wild weather swings on the planet, some say 'global' warming so we shake in our boots, gee, then why is it colder some places? Those of us who have been following the 'Al Gore' effect which now is a proper term for 'fear' created weather, also have been studying, and understanding the 'solar flare' effects from the sun and how that relates to the planet in so many ways, weather among them.
(by the way Al, and Obama and anyone who is paying attention.....'WE' see through the illusion, that you are creating about man being totally responsible for 'global warming' [not taking in all the other normal cycles] in your own agenda to manipulate mankind again)
For those who have been paying attention, there were definitely anamolies visible from the satellites in several hurricanes in this century, in geometric shapes, charges and changes of directions and intenstity of them that definitely was not 'normal'. This tells us that someone (and we are not talking about The Creator here) has been messing around with the weather. Then we have the HAARP is the link for that, if you need it. HARRP project, the official website, in google search, you will discover many other sites and what they claim are 'effects' of the project, intended or not. So this is one more notch in the belt of mankind messing with mother nature.
Oh my, there again, just 'google' Russian weather control and see what you come up with. One interesting title right at the top caught my eye and I had to stop and read it. It is: Weather Modification a Long-Established, Though Secretive, Reality by Mary-Sue Haliburton, sub-title, New legislation not designed to foster pleasant or productive weather, but planned as tool of weaponized weather control, already well tested and in use since 1976. Amateur and hostile weather-makers alike likely to lose their technology to the military. Now that was interesting, and of course most of us who are paying 'attention' know about the 'chemtrails' and the effects they are having....oh, you are shushing me....we are not supposed to mention that little goodie!Oops, too late, chemtrail chemtrail chemtrails........dare I say outloud what I think of the PTB who have planned and executed this program, and the pilots, chemists, and all who are involved in this? .....oh what the heck, talk about torture, murder, plots and agendas???..You got 'em! Been there, seen them, experienced the effects!
Back to the convection cell systems. Has anyone postulated where the biggest amount of buildings/houses are? Would that be in the biggest cities in the USA? Where the skyscrapers are, with lots of GLASS! So, lets say you have everyone paint their roofs white, let me see, what kinds of paint would cover asbestos tiles, clay tiles, wood, etc and how much would that cost, initially and in the long term keeping it up. If you notice in many 'hot' places in the world, their roofs are made from clay tiles and they last a long time, and are more efficient.
Are you starting to get the drift? You have 'say' thousands of white roofs in a city, maybe even a million, perhaps this city is by the water. Look at the little pictures and the expanation of 'how' things can happen there. Water, hot air rising, all causing effects.
"Air, as we have seen, moves under pressure gradients, and is modified by the Coriolis Force and friction, so as to rise, move laterally, and fall depending on its density. This circulation pattern is term a cell, or in some instances a convection cell. A non-rotating Earth would, in principle, experience at the surface a warming of air in the low latitudes and a cooling of air near the poles. The higher pole pressures drive the air towards the equator. There the warm air rises and cools, and then is driven poleward. This sets up an upper atmosphere flow towards the poles, where the air, now further cooled, sinks. That air is once again driven near the surface back towards the equator. This produces a single circulation cell, indicated in this diagram:" you can see by the wonderful explantions on this webpage and the pictures that there are many factors that determine our weather, and this page doesn't even go into the effects from solar flares, et al.Isn't it possible that the wild, un-predictable weather we are having on the planet is not just from 'our emissions' but from a complex system, perhaps being upset/out of balance by the deliberate manipulations already being done that 'we' commoners are not privy too.
If you factor in natural variables, solar variables, man-made variables ....then you have a recipe for 'holy hell' breaking loose.Now, you want to add in another factor? Huge amounts of heat being generated from the roofs of houses, exponentially increasing with the size of the cities, some of whom are by bodies of water? God only knows what kind of insane weather patterns this could create.I would love to hear from others who have more knowledge in this area then I, admittedly do, and are perhaps real scientists who can postulate the effects of this possibility.I have to ask, is this just another person in the administration who doesn't have a clue what he is throwing out, what the effects could be? It seems like there are too many who are just throwing straws to the wind, hoping that somehow they will land where they are supposed to and do good.There is a wise saying "don't mess with mother nature" and personally, I think we have already had our hand in the pot way too much and what we are experiencing right now is evidence.
But then, what do I know?........
over and out good buddy!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Basic 'Convection Cell System" 101
cell systems,
weather manipulation,
weather wars,
white roofs
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