Monday, November 9, 2009

Dancing in the Rain

To blog or not to blog....that is the question...and what to blog about? It seems there are way too many subjects to address these days, way too many problems in the world that cannot be solved by just one person, or by any.... it seems. The preponderance of challenges in the world with the terrible disasters, one after the other, with the fears of more coming that we cannot control seems overwhelming and saddening for us all.

One cannot blame at all those who leave their countries, those who commit suicide, those, who in their hopelessness try anything in an effort to fix what they see as problems. We are seeing way too much bloodshed, way too many in financial desperation and despair that fractures lives and destroys nations from within and without. The despair that digs within a person's soul and identity, makes them question themselves, their place in life, and if they even have a future.

It seems that most, old and young, have lost a vision for a future, as our countries have lost the ability to handle the huge needs of such huge populations.

Meanwhile, ancient civilizations are still being uncovered and past history revealed, which tells us once again of the impermanence of mankind and of anything we have accomplished or will accomplish. This time shall too pass, and pass, and pass ...and future generations shall wonder about us, who we were, how we came to be and how we destroyed ourselves. Make no mistake, we are destroying ourselves.

Yet, the creator is still creating, and will ever be creating, watching as the creations come and go, to what end? Perhaps the creator is on a journey too, just as we are, and that journey just never ends. Have you ever wondered if the creator wonders why he/she created us? Are we really contributing anything valuable to the mix? People submit the thought provoking questions such as: "if the creator of all, really is all knowing, all seeing, all powerful, then why, and does such a being require anything from us at all? Of what benefit to the creator is it, for any of us to 'worship' it?" We do not require our own children to worship us. We teach them, guide them, feed them, clothe them, provide shelter and love....then send them on their way, hoping that we have provided some solid foundations for their life. Submitters then ask: "Is that not also the way the creator would be, and even from a much higher viewpoint then mankind can even comprehend, from a viewpont of total love and understanding and support?".....Readers point out that 'the creator' really 'needs' nothing from us, why would it? That is a purely human emotion/need projected onto 'the creator' does give one food for thought.

Meanwhile, we can dance in the rain, or we can flee from the floods, or we can pray for moisture to grow our crops, and cleanse our air, just dealing with whatever life throws at us from day to day. It behooves all of us to also reach out and help our brothers and sisters who are going through tribulations, remembering the advice 'to love one another as ourselves', that compassion is even higher then love. One might ask why that is, and the answer couild be, because compassion comes from a part of ourselves that can identify with what another is experiencing, feeling their pain, and then be spurred to action, to help another in need.

And what is life all about? Is 'just living' worth the life? How can anyone determine what life is worth for anyone else? That must be something beyond our ken, as least in our tiny understanding of all that is. We thrive on faith, faith that there must be a higher purpose to it all.....otherwise we muse, 'what is the point'?

What a strange time ...that we can see people, actors, politicians parade before our eyes, aging, going back to their youth, then watch them growing up, and being exposed to the world. One asks how anyone would care to become public, as no one can live a life so exemplary and pure that there would hardly be anything that stand up to be exposed without shame to the world. One might think that anyone with aspirations of fame would live such a life of purity so as not to be put in precarious conditions in the future, but no.......somehow it seems that so many throw caution to the wind, living as if there is no future to think about, living as if no one would ever find their secrets, their foibles, their greed or corruption, or even indiscretions. Too many think they are invulnerable and dare to be bold, denying and betraying their beliefs, their families and constituents, thumbing their noses at the world, saying 'catch me if you can".......Their/our contriteness when caught and exposed is supposed to touch us, to make it easy to forgive and forget, but it doesn't always work that way.

I have observed such an increase of rules, regulations, laws...real and implied being impressed on all of us in increasingly military manners, with very little real caring or respect for those who are, in fact supplying the money for all of this. I ask myself, when reading of one more tazing by a policemen, one more injury, one more death, if that policeman even considered the idea that this person might be someone who contributed towards their own employment. I ask if any of our congressmen/senators/representatives/judges, etc if they remember at all that we ...... we, the common people, the ones who put our hands to the grindstone, the ones who go to school, who find the jobs, who work so hard, are the real backbone of the country, of the government. Without us, there really is nothing is there? Without us ....the workers of the whole world, 'they' will not have their power, their fancy jobs, their fancy clothes, their parties, their planes, their travel, their affairs and they will not be able to play god anymore.

Yes, they are all playing god with our lives, those to whom we are just pawns in their games, but make no mistake on this.........even gods can fail and fall.